Saturday, October 16, 2010


Ok I had the priviledge of photographing TWO very very special families today. They are two families who go to my church and work in the youth group. One you will hear about very soon (sorry Swinfords there are SO many photos to go through and I want to see all the options before I put up your preview), the other family is the one you will see below.
They have been and are such an encouragment in my life, they have set an example in numerous ways, they live a life of servant hood like nothing I have ever seen, and they are the most real, authentic people to be around.....
I am constantly learning and being challenged just by watching them live their lives. You see, Aaron is the youth pastor at our church and his gorgeous wife Caroline is also one of the leaders for the youth....these people don't just lead youth on Wednesday night though...they literally LIVE youth ministry...and they're good at it. It has been awesome getting to work with them and I was so excited when they asked if I could grab a couple (or lots) of photos of them. Plus they were super easy and took no directing and if you know me that is my ideal photo session :)
Ok, without further ado: The adorable Nebrija Fam

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