Alright so to celebrate my first year (or 8 months, same difference) of photography I thought it would be fun to go back through some of the photo sessions from this past year and I picked a few of my favorites ( a few meaning like 14). I was having a lot of trouble deciding and I only wanted to do one from each family/session so I went with some more artsy ones cause there were to many others to choose from. Here is how this will work....each picture is numbered. Tell all your friends, family, etc to come and vote in the comment section for the number they want to vote for. It's that simple. So have fun! The winner will get a small printed book of their photo session (of their choosing if you have had more than one). It's really just for fun and you get to brag that your kid's picture one a photo contest if you win ;) So get to voting!!!! The voting will close on December 20th.
Alright the preview is finally these went up backwards so the last session I did is first and the first is last :) sorry. Also if you want to see a little more than what is here I have a few of yours up on the facebook fan page too....don't be hurt if you aren't up it just means I haven't quite made it through your editing. Scroll down to the very bottom of the blog to find the facebook link
Here is a wonderful family with two adorable boys! I am still working on the newborn pics (those take a little more careful editing) but I at least wanted to get some Christmas previews up for you.... So family #1
Then I had these two sweeties! We met at Bridgestreet and enjoyed all the wonderful Christmas decorations and even took a ride on the carousel...which jumping on a moving carousel and taking pictures while spinning around I learned can cause you to slightly lose some equalibrium.... Then there is this sweet baby girl who had the MOST facial expressions. Usually when editing I can go through and delete several that look very similiar...not a single picture was the same made editing a lot more entertaining for me :) This face just kills me.... "wat you lookin at?" This family I had the privilage of taking the whole extended fam pics (at the end of this post) and then just this cute little section of the fam. Let me tell ya this mom has her hands full with three boys, but I have never recieve so many flowers during a photo shoot (never recieved any actually)...They just kept finding them somewhere and bringing them to me.....And I just died when she told me they had super man capes..... I got to do this sweet girl's pics when she came home to the US to stay last year so it was so great meeting up again and seeing how she had grown...we had so much fun... gorgeous eyes... And then the big extended family shoot...such a fun group and very into the improve/candid photos which I love Hope you all enjoy...I'm trying to finish everyone's up and get them in the mail before the weekend there are a couple I may not get in till Monday but I am hurrying :)